Professional Training in Buddhism and Psychotherapy

The Australian Association of Buddhist Counsellors and Psychotherapists (AABCAP) was established in November 2006 by a group of professionals interested in bringing together practitioners in the helping professions to discuss, learn, and study the overlapping areas of psychotherapy and Buddhism. In the last decade there has been an exponential increase in interest in the development of the relationship between these two disciplines.

AABCAP’s intention is to help practitioners integrate their experience and knowledge of psychotherapeutic and Buddhist practice into everyday life and work, and to offer a forum for those interested in similar ideas to come together and participate in debate and discussion. Alongside regular educational events, AABCAP developed a two-year training course in Buddhism and Psychotherapy. The 7th professional training course for mental health professionals commences March 2025.

AABCAP invites prospective students who have clinical qualifications and experience in areas such as psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, counselling, or social work to apply for this inspiring two-year training.  Over the course of the two years, students will come together for 10 face to face weekend training modules and three residential retreats.  Each module and retreat is taught by an experienced multidisciplinary faculty, including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, Buddhist nuns and monks.

What do graduates say about the course?

‘I recently completed the AABCAP psychotherapy training and highly recommend it for clinicians who are looking for depth and challenge, peer connection and personal growth. The course was engaging and rigorous with a wholistic blend of academic and experiential learning.’ – 2024 graduate

‘…the course really helped me to be able to integrate, in a very deep way, my own understanding and experience, and knowing directly the teachings of the Buddha Dhamma, and the ways that how I am in the room with clients can be informed by Buddhism.’ – 2021 graduate

‘…the training has benefitted me so much professionally and personally. I am so much more confident in my practice with clients, and I feel like I can now do long-term psychotherapy where before I was not feeling so confident to be able to do that. My private practice is going really well and I feel I’m growing and moving forward…’ – 2021 graduate

Learn more > >

AABCAP is a member organisation of the Buddhist Council of NSW

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