february, 2021

This is a repeating event

mon08feb(feb 8)3:30 PMtue09(feb 9)5:30 PMYantra Yoga at Rigpa Sydney3:30 PM - 5:30 PM (9) Rigpa Sydney, Newtown, Inner west, 158 Australia Street, Newtown NSW 2042 Event Organized By: Rigpa Sydney Event Type :OtherEvent Region:Inner West


Event Details

We are delighted to announce that Rigpa Sydney is hosting some Tibetan Yoga (Yantra Yoga) workshops next weekend (6 and 7 February) and there are still a few places available.

Yantra Yoga is based on an ancient text, Nyida Khajor, “The Union of the Sun and Moon” written in the 8th century by Vairocana, one of the most skilled Buddhist Masters of his time. This form of Yantra Yoga belongs to the Dzogchen tradition and was introduced to the West by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.
There will be 2 workshops at different levels plus a revision or catchup session. If you are completely new to Yantra Yoga it is best to attend both days of the introductory level workshop on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 February.
  • 8 Movements workshop – 2 sessions of 2 hours each over 2 days (6 & 7 Feb)
  • Tsandul workshop – 2 sessions of 2 hours each over 2 days (8 & 9 Feb)
  • Revision &/or catchup – 1 session of 3 hours  (13 Feb)                                                                

Instructor The workshops will be held in person by Emily Coleing, a Level 2 Instructor of Yantra Yoga in the tradition of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.

Cost – by donation. These workshops are a joint fundraiser for Rigpa and the Dzogchen Community. Suggested donation $25 per session ($15 concession). 

Register here

Enquiries – by email to sydney@rigpa.org.au


Before booking the workshops please consider watching the first six minutes of this Youtube clip which provides a brief demonstration of the 8 movements.

More details of the workshop dates and times:

Saturday 6 Feb 4.00-6.00pm 8 Movements workshop
Day 1
Introductory level – 5 Tsigjong (loosening the joints) & 8 Lungsang (purifying the Prana). Attend in person at Newtown.
Sunday 7 Feb 10am-12 noon 8 Movements workshop
Day 2
5 Tsigjong & 8 Lungsang continued. Attend in person at Newtown.
Monday 8 Feb 3.30-5.30pm Tsandul workshop
Day 1
(3rd Preliminary group)
Tsandul (Controlling the Channels) – for those who are familiar with Tsigjong & Lungsang.
Zoom attendance for a few people may be possible.
Tuesday 9 Feb  3.30-5.30pm Tsandul workshop
Day 2
Tsandul (Controlling the Channels) continued.
Zoom attendance for a few people may be possible.
Saturday 13 Feb 4-7.00pm Revision and catchup session 4 – 6pm Tsigjong, Lungsang & rhythmic breathing. A short break then, at
6 – 7pm Tsandul revision.
Zoom attendance for a few people may be possible.


More background information about Yantra Yoga

Yantra Yoga aims to balance the three aspects of  body, energy and mind through breath, movement and concentration.

This fundamental and rich method is connected with the profound essence of the Dzogchen Teachings although a Yantra Yoga practitioner does not necessarily need to follow a particular spiritual path, therefore anyone can practice it without limitation. It has been offered for the help of finding the true natural state.

Yantra Yoga uses a sequence that consists of seven phases of movement, connected with seven phases of breathing. In particular, the position in the central phase of each movement helps create specific retentions of the breath that work at a deep, subtle level. For this reason it is not only the main position, but this holding and the entire movement that are important.

For more about this system of yantra yoga?

“A practice that helps coordinate body, energy, and mind while making us more balanced and free from tension is immensely important. When we have a more relaxed mind, it is possible to have a better, more harmonious, and healthy life. This is why I decided to teach Yantra Yoga: it is something anyone can find beneficial, and it can bring more compassion and understanding among people. When we are happier, we are more open to everyone and everything around us. In today’s world we really need to find ways to be more relaxed and have less stress and tension so that we can experience genuine happiness and joy.

– Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

Register here



8 (Monday) 3:30 PM - 9 (Tuesday) 5:30 PM


Rigpa Sydney, Newtown, Inner west

158 Australia Street, Newtown NSW 2042


Rigpa Sydneywww.sydney@rigpa.org.au or phone 02 9211 5304 158 Australia Street, Newtown

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

13/02/2021 4:00 PM

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