february, 2021

This is a repeating event

thu18feb7:30 PM9:00 PMWeekly Dhamma Talk and Meditation7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Library and Meditation Centre, Inner west, Buddhist Library, 90-92 Church Street, Camperdown NSW 2050 Event Organized By: Association of Engaged Buddhists Event Type :Courses/Teachings on BuddhismEvent Region:Inner West


Event Details

### Sessions will only be conducted via Zoom on lock down days. Please check with the organiser before attending on-site. ###

Places are currently limited to 30 on a first-come basis. Face masks are highly encouraged to be worn. The sessions will also be available over Zoom (details below)
Every Thursday
Time: 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm (doors open from 7pm)

The Dhamma talks are focused on aspects of Buddhism and Buddhist practice, and are usually conducted by our Spiritual Teacher Ven. Tejadhammo. From time to time we may have a guest teacher and there will be an announcement to this effect. An up to date schedule of guest teachers will be available for 2021 at https://engagedbuddhists.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9a093b27abafe9b08bc28f29b&id=6992c504ff&e=79745f1cc3 .

The dhamma talk is then followed by a silent meditation of around 30 minutes. All welcome, no previous experience necessary.

Venerable Tejadhammo Bhikku is the Spiritual Director of the Association of Engaged Buddhists. Bhante teaches and conducts regular courses and retreats which are open to the general public, and is regularly invited to teach other groups of ordained Sangha. Apart from these teaching and retreat activities, Bhante works with people who are seriously ill in various hospitals, hospices and their homes in and around Sydney, teaching healing meditation, providing spiritual support and assisting people in dealing with the end stages of life.

Venerable Tejadhammo Bhikku was ordained by Venerable Tanchaokhun Phra Visalsalmanagun, Chaokhana Changwat, Phuket, in Thailand. Bhante has a background in Western Philosophy and Theology, and has studied and taught at Silpakorn University, Thailand. Before returning to Australia he taught in Thai universities and jails. Although ordained in the Theravada tradition, he has also studied with Tibetan and Mahayana teachers and has a commitment to the Dharma that he believes encompasses all traditional expressions of it. He is a founding member of Australian Monastic Encounter which seeks to promote inter-religious and inter monastic dialogue.

The sessions will also be available as Zoom meetings with the meeting opening at 7pm. Interaction via Zoom will be limited to chat as we are primarily making this available as a service to those who can’t attend in person.

The sessions will also be available as Zoom meetings with the meeting opening at 7pm. Interaction via Zoom will be limited to chat as we are primarily making this available as a service to those who can’t attend in person.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 1050 0274
Passcode: 645945

For more information on the teacher and outline of the teaching, please go to




(Thursday) 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM


Buddhist Library and Meditation Centre, Inner west

Buddhist Library, 90-92 Church Street, Camperdown NSW 2050


Association of Engaged Buddhistsoffice@engagedbuddhists.org.au or phone 02 8021 7944

Buddhist Library and Meditation Centre, Inner westBuddhist Library, 90-92 Church Street, Camperdown NSW 2050

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

25/02/2021 7:30 PM04/03/2021 7:30 PM11/03/2021 7:30 PM18/03/2021 7:30 PM25/03/2021 7:30 PM01/04/2021 7:30 PM08/04/2021 7:30 PM15/04/2021 7:30 PM22/04/2021 7:30 PM29/04/2021 7:30 PM06/05/2021 7:30 PM13/05/2021 7:30 PM20/05/2021 7:30 PM27/05/2021 7:30 PM03/06/2021 7:30 PM10/06/2021 7:30 PM17/06/2021 7:30 PM24/06/2021 7:30 PM01/07/2021 7:30 PM08/07/2021 7:30 PM15/07/2021 7:30 PM22/07/2021 7:30 PM29/07/2021 7:30 PM05/08/2021 7:30 PM12/08/2021 7:30 PM

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