september, 2019

This is a repeating event

wed04sep(sep 4)7:30 PMwed25(sep 25)9:00 PMWednesday Night Meditation (September)7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (25) Sangha Lodge - do not use, Sangha Lodge, 20 Victoria Street, Lewisham NSW 2049 Event Organized By: Association of Engaged Buddhists Event Type :Meditation Conducted / Instructed

Event Details

Time:              7.30pm – 9.00pm (with 30 min meditation)
Place:              Sangha Lodge
Registration: Not needed. All welcome.

For more information on the teacher, please see our website:


4 (Wednesday) 7:30 PM - 25 (Wednesday) 9:00 PM


Sangha Lodge - do not use

Sangha Lodge, 20 Victoria Street, Lewisham NSW 2049


Association of Engaged or phone 02 8021 7944

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

11/09/2019 7:30 PM18/09/2019 7:30 PM25/09/2019 7:30 PM

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