april, 2020

This is a repeating event

wed08apr(apr 8)6:00 PMwed29(apr 29)6:45 PMWednesday Evening Loving Kindness Meditation April - Online6:00 PM - 6:45 PM (29) Online - Zoom Event Organized By: Rigpa Sydney Event Type :Meditation Conducted / Instructed


Event Details

Join online: join our online guided sessions to try out meditation for yourself. These by donation online sessions are open to everyone at all levels of experience.

The essence of meditation is to simply let our minds be, natural and at ease. Many people try it once or twice and think they can’t do it because the flow of thoughts seems unstoppable.  In fact, anyone can do it.  Meditation isn’t about stopping or suppressing thoughts, but learning to watch the flow of thoughts with compassion, spaciousness and without judgement.

There is no need to book; you are invited to join online whenever you can.



8 (Wednesday) 6:00 PM - 29 (Wednesday) 6:45 PM


Online - Zoom


Rigpa Sydneywww.sydney@rigpa.org.au or phone 02 9211 5304 158 Australia Street, Newtown

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