september, 2021
This is a repeating event13/09/2021 8:15 AM27/09/2021 8:15 AM
Event Details
We need a strong Buddhist voice for climate change! We encourage your group to participate on Sunday 17 and Monday 18 October for 2 days of global climate action organised by the
Event Details
We need a strong Buddhist voice for climate change! We encourage your group to participate on Sunday 17 and Monday 18 October for 2 days of global climate action organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change.
2 ways on 2 days to make your voice heard on climate change (do 1, do both – up to you!)
- On or before Sunday 17 October at your temple or a park nearby or via Zoom: hang a banner and hold a meditation session, ring a bell, have a sangha meeting to discuss climate change or take another action to show your concern for the planet.
- On Monday October 18 join a rally outside the Prime Minister’s office in Cronulla. Registrations required: Please adhere to Covid restrictions
What to do:
- Decide what action you or your temple will arrange
- Register details of your action at
- Get a banner by the end of September (ARRCC has funds for groups unable to afford a banner)
- Attend social media training Visit ARRCC for details
- Take action!
- Take photos/video of your action with the banner and post to social media tag @ScottMorrisonMP, @buddhistconnection and hashtag #Faiths4Climate.
- Share your action with us at
Together we can send the message to government that we support action to protect our sacred earth.
Want to know more about the climate movement and what you can do?
Download a Buddhist Climate Action Kit from or contact Gawaine Powell Davies at
(Monday) 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
30 Kingsway, Cronulla, NSW
30 Kingsway, Cronulla, NSW
Buddhist Council of