october, 2020

sun25oct4:00 PM5:00 PMStillness In Spring - Creating Loving Kindness4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Online - Zoom Event Organized By: Buddhist Council of NSW Event Type :Courses/Teachings on Buddhism,Meditation Conducted / Instructed


Event Details

Stillness in Spring meditation workshops

Every Sunday during October Buddhist Council of NSW presents meditation workshops from experienced and engaging teachers to support Stillness in Spring meditators in their practice.

The meditations are open to the public and held online via Zoom. Please use the link below to join the event.

Creating Loving Kindness


25 October

Creating Loving Kindness with Bhante Sujato

The practice of Loving Kindness is one of the most powerful ways of bringing joy and happiness into our meditation. By opening our heart to the experience of boundless love, we can improve our relationship with ourselves and others; creating a better, kinder world for all.

Bhante Sujato is a senior Australian monk in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. He is a well regarded meditation teacher and is regularly invited to give talks and retreats both locally and overseas. Bhante Sujato is also well known as a scholar and translator of early Buddhist texts, which can be found on suttacentral.net. He currently resides at the Monastery at the End of the World in Harris Park, exploring what it means to follow the Buddha’s teachings in an era of climate change, globalised consumerism, and political turmoil.


(Sunday) 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Online - Zoom


Buddhist Council of NSWoffice@buddhistcouncil.org