august, 2024

sat17aug10:00 AM4:00 PMOne Day Meditation Retreats at Nan Tien Temple10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Nan Tien Temple, Illawara, 180 Berkeley Road, Berkeley NSW 2506 Event Organized By: Nan Tien Temple Event Type :Meditation Conducted / InstructedEvent Region:Illawarra


Event Details

Gain Perspective

Learn about Buddhism and how it can influence your daily life. Learn the valuable teachings of the Buddha and learn how it can inspire you to be a better person.

Buddhism study will open your mind to new ideals and will give you the tools necessary to find your inner self. Prepare to be inspired and learn something new!


Meditation Cultivation

While for many, the monastic life is not an option, all of us love and need to retreat from the world occasionally. Spend a day in harmony with yourself; allow your body to regenerate. Receive excellent guidance in Buddhist meditation. Through meditation, you will learn to reconnect with your inner self.



DELICIOUS Lunch will be provided during your One Day Retreat. Enjoy our wonderful selection of vegetarian cuisine. Experience the delight of our fresh, healthy vegetarian meals.

Our healthy meals are prepared to help reduce your blood cholesterol level and thus improve your health and longevity.

Spend a day in total relaxation, free your mind of negative thoughts, and free your spirit for cultivation.

This program is suitable for all, regardless of background and experience.

Learn more



(Saturday) 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Nan Tien Temple, Illawara

180 Berkeley Road, Berkeley NSW 2506


Nan Tien

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

12/10/2024 10:00 AM09/11/2024 10:00 AM

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