december, 2023

thu28dec(dec 28)4:00 PMsun07jan(jan 7)2:30 PM​New Year Retreat 2023 - 2024(december 28) 4:00 PM - (january 7) 2:30 PM Brahma Kumaris Centre, Wilton, Macarthur, 150 MacArthur Drive, Wilton NSW 2571 Event Organized By: Sydney Insight Meditators Event Type :Meditation Conducted / Instructed,RetreatsEvent Region:Macarthur


Event Details

Traditionally, the New Year is a time to take stock of our lives, to reconnect more fully with our deeper aspirations, and to let go of what no longer serves. This nine-day retreat provides a precious opportunity to settle into silence and with the support of sangha/community, attune more fully to the heart and mind. Through this process of deep listening to ourselves and others, we can then better understand how to live our lives with more ease, kindness, compassion and clarity.
Teacher: Jill Shepherd


December 28 (Thursday) 4:00 PM - January 7 (Sunday) 2:30 PM


Brahma Kumaris Centre, Wilton, Macarthur

150 MacArthur Drive, Wilton NSW 2571


Sydney Insight

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