january, 2022

This is a repeating event

thu27jan8:45 AM3:15 PMIntroductory Unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (40-hr)8:45 AM - 3:15 PM Online Event Organized By: Buddhist Council of NSW Event Type :Courses/Teachings on Buddhism,OtherEvent Region:Online


Event Details

The Buddhist Council of New South Wales offers courses, workshops and events to strengthen Buddhist practice and learning. We are an Approved Provider of Special Religious Education and also provide training in clinical pastoral education to prepare students for Buddhist chaplaincy work in hospitals and prisons.

If you have any questions, please contact office@buddhistcouncil.org.

The Introductory Unit of CPE is the stepping stone to working as a volunteer in Buddhist contemplative care. Presented under the auspices of the NSW College of Clinical Pastoral Education, the course helps you deepen your awareness of the spiritual needs, hopes and resources of others while becoming more aware of your own values, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions. You will gain understanding of the role of pastoral/contemplative care and practical skills in listening and reflecting.

This is your invitation to apply for this course and is not a guarantee of acceptance.

Find out more



(Thursday) 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM




Buddhist Council of NSWoffice@buddhistcouncil.org

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

03/02/2022 8:45 AM10/02/2022 8:45 AM17/02/2022 8:45 AM24/02/2022 8:45 AM