april, 2021
This is a repeating event04/04/2021 12:00 PM
Garden Working Bee Bodhisaddha Forest Monestery- Bodhisaddha, Wilton, Macarthur
- Bodhisaddha Forest Monastery, 295 Wilton Road, Wilton NSW 2571
Event Details
On Sunday 4th & Monday 5th of April from 12pm-4pm, volunteers can come to the monastery and help out with tidying up the monastery. Bring your own gloves and hat. Welcome to come for
Event Details
On Sunday 4th & Monday 5th of April from 12pm-4pm, volunteers can come to the monastery and help out with tidying up the monastery. Bring your own gloves and hat. Welcome to come for the dana meal at 10:30am.
(Monday) 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Bodhisaddha, Wilton, Macarthur
Bodhisaddha Forest Monastery, 295 Wilton Road, Wilton NSW 2571
Bodhisaddha Forest Monasterywww.bodhisaddha.org or phone 0481 811 877 / email wat@bodhisaddha.org