august, 2024

This is a repeating event

fri09aug10:00 AM11:00 AMFriday Guided Meditations with Alan10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Vajrayana Institute Inner West, Vajrayana Institute, 9 Victoria Square, Ashfield NSW 2131 Event Organized By: Vajrayana Institute Event Type :Meditation Conducted / InstructedEvent Region:Inner West,Online


Event Details

Dates: Friday, 10 a.m.

Location In-person at Vajrayana Institute and Online via Zoom
Suitable For: Everyone

Find out more



(Friday) 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Vajrayana Institute Inner West

Vajrayana Institute, 9 Victoria Square, Ashfield NSW 2131


Vajrayana InstituteContact Phone: 02 9798 9644 or

Vajrayana Institute Inner WestVajrayana Institute, 9 Victoria Square, Ashfield NSW 2131

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