january, 2025
Event Details
Have you ever considered the practical implications of caring more about others than about yourself? A bodhisattva is someone who says, from the depth of their heart, ‘I long to attain
Event Details
Have you ever considered the practical implications of caring more about others than about yourself?
A bodhisattva is someone who says, from the depth of their heart, ‘I long to attain a state of everlasting peace and happiness, in which all suffering has ceased, and I want to do so for myself and for all sentient beings.’ The classic Buddhist text, the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, offers a practical guide on just how to do this. It shows us how to work with our own hearts and minds, starting with how we are now, to unravel our small-minded preoccupations and discover our own vast potential for compassion, love, and wisdom.
For those of you looking to do a little reading in preparation for these teachings please consider:
- Daring Steps: Traversing the Path of the Buddha, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, 2010, Snow Lion Publications
- The Heart of Compassion, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, 2007, Padmakara Translation Group, Shambhala.
- Rigpa Wiki
Rinpoche has agreed to give a Guru Rinpoche empowerment during the retreat. If you aspire to practise the Vajrayana practices of Rigpa’s lineage, this is a vital step in forming your connection with that lineage and is a precious and rare opportunity. This will only be available to those attending the retreat in person.
january 18 (Saturday) - 26 (Sunday)
Tuncurry Memorial Hall, Mid North Coast
7 Point Rd, Tuncurry NSW
Rigpa Australiamariannegizycki@gmail.com